Family is Family, No Matter the Age - Chapter 4 - DrChief (2024)

Chapter Text


The very core of the McDuck family. Connected to the Ducks, Coots, Gooses, and Ganders, they were a lineage best described as "daring". It was as if fate itself had decided that the family was destined to leave a huge impact on the world, considering some of the figures that came out of their lineup.

Webby Vanderquack would know, having admired the most famous of them all her whole life.

When you live in the manor of the richest duck in the world, you had to take what you get. And what you get was the crazy yet awesome history behind one of the oldest ducks in the world, who may or may not possess some form of immortality. Not the weirdest thing she ever witnessed. Fighting off interplanar demons with your new-new best friends, witnessing ancient spirits arise from old artifacts, nothing could ever truly be considered strange for Webby! Rather, it is another adventure for her to explore to her hearts content!!

In any case, she had developed her own family board regarding Scrooge McDuck during her stay, and it wasn't until three years ago that she could truly consider it complete, with the addition of the triplets' and their mother whereabouts. Her constant scrounging for information had taught her a whole lot about the McDuck family line (and was, in a way, her own attempt at reaching out to the only other adult figure in her life), which further fueled her desire to venture out into the world. A dream once out of reach, now something that her granny was absolutely allowing her to pursue, instead of remaining at the manor with only the slightest inclinations of what went on outside!

At the moment, she was putting her information-sleuthing skills to the test, as Louie had told her that it would be a fun exercise figuring out the identities between the four mysterious kids that had become a part of the chat. That's right. Kids. That was the... "vibe" she was getting from them, as the way they interacted with each other was just like how the triplets acted towards each other, or how her friends Lena and Violet acted. Just this chaotic energy that seem to emanate from siblings, at least from the few siblings that she had seen. Kids. Like her!

Anyway, she was currently going through documents online in an attempt to tie past events to the new guys, based on the information that Louie had given her. It was pretty difficult finding anything relevant due to the rather specific criteria she had, but it was a fun workout for her brain! She was scrolling through some old documentation, when a notification popped up on screen, indicating that somebody was currently chatting on Discord. Having experience in multi-tasking, she proceeded to open up the chat group while at the same time work on scrounging the internet.


WoodChuckSenior has updated the Chat Name to The Fused Chat Group!

Dewdewdew!!: finally!

WoodChuckSenior: Returning home was a mistake.

*HAMBURGER*: Did Lost spam your name the whole time you were away?

Garden Leaf: I didn't notice him online today...

WoodChuckSenior: Worst.

WoodChuckSenior: The place where we were hiked had no cellular connection.

WoodChuckSenior: So when we finally return to camp, my phone proceeded to let out a long string of noise because I forgot to silence it during the hike.

WoodChuckSenior: Completely. The Worst.

Dewdewdew!!: well at least you changed the chat name.

Dewdewdew!!: thats all that matters!

WoodChuckSenior: UGH!

*HAMBURGER*: It's okay, Woodchuck! :D

*HAMBURGER*: At least people won't accidentally post private information in here now!

Garden Leaf: The fact that Mr. E did not appear in the photo is truly a miracle.

WoodChuckSenior: What Rocket posted is not a photo.

WoodChuckSenior: That is a pile of blurred pixels with the only clear thing being a broken skateboard.

Dewdewdew!!: what did happen???

eat-the-rich: I ate sh*t is what happened

Garden Leaf: You were... trying to skateboard down the railing, correct?

eat-the-rich: Yeah because I was dared to by Rocket.

eat-the-rich: Worst mistake of my life

StarlingTime: You really should be more willing to consider the consequences of accepting dares from Rocket of all people.

StarlingTIme: You should have learned by now.

eat-the-rich: ugh

GardenLeaf: You know, I really love to stay and chat, but I'm afraid there is a pest infestation within my garden.

GardenLeaf: And I rather not have my petunias be eaten by some horrible bugs, so toodaloo!

GardenLeaf has gone idle.

dewdewdew!!: aw man, I wanted to hear more from him. :c

dewdewdew!!: the way he acts is so freaking hilarious.

WoodChuckSenior: ...Wait, didn't our uncle ground you for sneaking onto that liner earlier?

WoodChuckSenior: How do you still have your phone?

dewdewdew!!: so uh... funny thing about that?

dewdewdew!! has gone idle.

WoodChuckSenior: ...One day. I ask for one day!

StarlingTime: If it makes you feel any better, I too have often ask myself why I bother dealing with my compatriots.

StarlingTime: As clearly established yesterday, they have at times displayed moments of complete and utter incompetence.

*HAMBURGER*: That description seems a bit... harsh.

StarlingTime: It is the truth, though I acknowledge that perhaps I could of put it more softly.

eat-the-rich: You f*cking could.

WoodChuckSenior: Language!

eat-the-rich: f*ck that!

WoodChuckSenior: Our uncle doesn't like it when we swear. He ESPECIALLY won't like it when he finds out you're swearing to his kids!

eat-the-rich: Like I give a sh*t what your uncle thinks.

eat-the-rich: Guy's probably a pansy.

*HAMBURGER*: No, he's not!

*HAMBURGER*: He's the coolest uncle there is!

WoodChuckSenior: Yeah, exactly!

*HAMBURGER*: One time he punched a shadow to death!!!

WoodChuckSenior: Yeah!

WoodChuckSenior: Wait. Hammy!!!

Webby cringed.


eat-the-rich: Big woop.

eat-the-rich: I also got to punch a shadow during the god damn Shadow War.

eat-the-rich: It's not the big deal you made it out to be.

WoodChuckSenior: O-oh?

WoodChuckSenior: W-Well, that's good then.

eat-the-rich: ?

StarlingTime: That was a rather tumultuous experience.

*HAMBURGER*: Yeah, as exciting as living shadows are, I admit that maaaaaybe the day was a lot more exhausting than expected.

eat-the-rich: Where the hell did your uncle even punch out a shadow anyway?

WoodChuckSenior: Funso's Fun Zone.

eat-the-rich: ...Makes sense.

eat-the-rich: I'm half-convinced the place is f*cking cursed.

WoodChuckSenior: Language!

*HAMBURGER*: You know, this reminds me of the time I first went to Funso's!

*HAMBURGER*: It was actually the first time I ever went outside my hoouse!!!

StarlingTime: Really?

*HAMBURGER*: Yeah, my granny, as awesome and smart and cool-headed as she is, is suuuuuper strict and a bit coddling? Coddling? Captain Lost said that was the right way to describe her...

*HAMBURGER*: Anyway, she used to have me stay at home for a loooooooong time, but eventually decided to let me leave freely after a family meet-up! And of the first things I did outside was go to Funso's with my brothers!

*HAMBURGER*: It was... an experience!

*HAMBURGER*: There were some highs, some lows, but in the end I had lots of fun!!!

StarlingTime: Interesting.

StarlingTime: It appears I have had a similar experience to you, then.


StarlingTime: Indeed.

StarlingTime: I also live with my gran-gran and my adoptive siblings at home.

StarlingTime: Gran-gran is overprotective, though rather chill and playful unlike yours, at least based on the brief description you gave. She has an awful habit of giving me the most bear-crushing hugs out of nowhere, sometimes at the most inopportune moments, though I love her all the same.

StarlingTime: She needed to little reason for me to be content to stay at home, though gradually I would develop an interest in the world outside the house. Of course, she would give me gifts based on my interests whenever she left home. She has a particular knack for figuring out exactly what I want.

StarlingTime: Especially the Darkwing TV series. When it became apparent that I


StarlingTIme: Ah.

StarlingTime: It appears I have revealed a lot more of my personal history than I liked to admit.

StarlingTime: How dreadful.

*HAMBURGER: NO NO NO! Thats a good thing!!!

*HAMBURGER*: It means you're becoming comfortable with us, which is good because I really want to be friends with you all!!!

StarlingTime: Really? Friends with a bunch of strangers?

*HAMBURGER*: You're not strangers!!!

*HAMBURGER*: You guys have only been here for four days and I already know so much about you all!!!

*HAMBURGER*: Mr. E swears a lot but clearly is comfortable with you all to be speaking so brazenly, Rocket is adventurous and quick on her feet, Clover loves gardening and loves to make sarcastic quips, and you love Darkwing Duck and smart and love your siblings like MEEEEEEE.

*HAMBURGER*: You guys are definitely friends to me!!!!!!!

StarlingTime: Ah.

StarlingTime: Hmm.

StarlingTime: ...

*HAMBURGER*: Ah, did I come on a bit strong?

StarlingTime: No, I am used to such intense emotions.

StarlingTime: It... reminds me a lot of my gran-gran actually. How emotive she is.

StarlingTime: ...

StarlingTime: I... suppose we can attempt to form a more cordial relationship.

eat-the-rich: You serious?

StarlingTime: Oh? You are still here?

eat-the-rich: I never left.

WoodChuckSenior: It was nice to learn about your grandmother.

WoodChuckSenior: ...I guess.

WoodChuckSenior: Sorry, just still upset over the intrusion.

StarlingTime: No need for apologies.

StarlingTime: The sudden occurrence of our entry would upset most people who had been expecting privacy.

StarlingTime: The fact that nothing terrible has occurred since could be considered a miracle.

eat-the-rich: Yeah.

eat-the-rich: Don't be so quick to apologize for sh*t you have no control over.

WoodChuckSenior: Language.

WoodChuckSenior: ...And yeah, I guess you're right.

eat-the-rich: I'm always right.

StarlingTime: Even when you are not?

eat-the-rich: ESPECIALLY when I'm not.

eat-the-rich: Which is essentially everytime Rocket suggests something.

The Greatest Adventurer: DID I HEAR SOMEBODY TALKING sh*t ABOUT ME!?

WoodChuckSenior: Language!

The Greatest Adventurer: oops sorry

eat-the-rich: Oh no, my sister is haunting my phone. What do I dooooooo?

The Greatest Adventurer: I'm alive, you dingus!

The Greatest Adventurer: On my way back home from the mountains!

StarlingTime: Has your little venture paid off?

The Greatest Adventurer: YUP!

The Greatest Adventurer: ...Ok, maybe not exactly, considering I didn't manage to catch it

The Greatest Adventurer: but CHECK THIS OUT!

The Greatest Adventurer: *Uploaded mothman1.jpg*

The Greatest Adventurer: *Uploaded mothman2.jpg*

The Greatest Adventurer: *Uploaded mothman3.jpg*

The Greatest Adventurer: *Uploaded mothman4.jpg*

The Greatest Adventurer: got a bunch of pics of the bugger!

eat-the-rich: You sound like our great uncle.

The Greatest Adventurer: yOu SoUnD lIkE oUr GrEaT uNcLe!

eat-the-rich: Oh, real mature. REAL MATURE.

WoodChuckSenior: Is that the Tinea Umbravir!?

*HAMBURGER*: ...Moth Shadow Man?


The Greatest Adventurer: Yup! took a few tries (and a few broken bones) but I've got real photographic proof of it!

WoodChuckSenior: I cannot believe this! The Junior Woodchuck's Guidebook noted that the mothman had, but there was never any true confirmations till now!

WoodChuckSenior: I cannot believe that right now, WE are making history in the name of all Woodchucks!

WoodChuckSenior: Does the feathers of the arthropod really change color during different hours of the day? Does the Tinea Umbravir really eat rabbits and hawks, or is it a plant-eater like Isabella Finch had suggested? Can it fly? Does it have four talons per feet? Can it really see in the dark? Can it digest metal? CAN IT SMELL FEAR??????

The Greatest Adventurer: slow down there, fellow woodchuckster!

The Greatest Adventurer: I've got answers tooooo most of your questions

The Greatest Adventurer: but I think we need to take it to a seperate call.

WoodChuckSenior: Good point.

WoodChuckSenior: *separate

The Greatest Adventurer has gone idle.

WoodChuckSenior has gone idle.

StarlingTime: That was certainly interesting.

eat-the-rich: I keep forgetting what a nerd she is at times.

eat-the-rich: The two are going to be at it for a long time.

*HAMBURGER*: Soooooo are we officially besties?

StarlingTime: I'm certainly more open-minded to the prospect.

StarlingTime: Very well, I accept your friendship.

*HAMBURGER*: Yes, four new friends!!!!

StarlingTime: I do, at the very least, admire your enthusiasm.

StarlingTime: I suppose I'll head off on.

StarlingTime: Rocket will be landing soon, so we get ready and greet her once she arrives home.

eat-the-rich: Same.

eat-the-rich: Got to give her a noogie for whatever fails she had while on that wild goose chase.

eat-the-rich: My twin instinct, as it were.

*HAMBURGER*: BYE!!! Take care!!!

StarlingTime has gone idle.

eat-the-rich has gone idle.

Webby smiled, happy that she made some new friends, before another ping appeared, this time indicating that her sister friends were online. She hopped up and down excitedly, happy for a chance to respond to her other besties, who had recently been offline for a few days.

The Three Musketeers!

Violet: Webbigail, we may have to delay that sleepover. There has been a pest infestation that will take a few days to expunge before we can declare our abode safe.

lena: Yeah, because SOMEBODY thought opening a dark grimoire was a good idea!

lena: srsly who does that???

Violet: Should I not have taken the opportunity to pursue forbidden truths and unearth ancient conspiracies?

lena: nOOOOO!


WEBBY!: It's fine, guys!

WEBBY!: It just means that we'll have more to talk about tomorrow, or any day after tomorrow really!

Violet: Texting online certainly possesses a different atmosphere from talking face-to-face.

lena: yeah lol

lena: its easier to hide your emotions on the internet, for starters.

Violet: Is it not the opposite?

lena: i dunno

lena: anyway wasnt there something really important you wanted to tell us Webs?

WEBBY: I'll tell you guys tomorrow!


lena: k

Violet: We will expedite the extermination process to make up for the delay, Webbigail.

lena: you do that, Vi. I'M going to take a nap.

Webby had a huge grin on her face, as it began to sink in that she now had around nine best friends. NINE! That was probably a world record! She was definitely going to introduce them to each other when she had the chance! Already, she was planning out all kinds of activites for them all! Sleepovers, playdates, game nights (not in front of Uncle Scrooge), movie nights, all the works!

As she was mentally coming up fun things to do, her brain registered a document that she had been scrolling through on a separate tab as REALLY IMPORTANT, causing her to halt all of her mental processes to focus on the IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. It was a old news article, a paper one that had been published digitally as part of an event to record old Duckburg events on the internet. The headline, "BOMB EXPLOSION OCCURRED AT DUCKBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL AGAIN", was but a taste towards what the main article was about; apparently, after numerous years where various incidents ranging from windows shattering from intense singing to walls crumbling from timed scientific experiments, someone had finally come up with the bright idea to place some intense soap bombs inside the school's toilets. This, of course, eventually resulted in the toilets exploding, because nothing could be normal at Duckburg. The perpetrator of which was nothing other than...

Webby paused, the information whirring inside her mind, as she took in the news article. She blinked, once, then twice, as read through the digital newspaper. She double-checked it, then triple-checked it, then quadrupled-checked it. It shouldn't be that weird, really, there were a bunch of explanations. Especially since it took place in 2001, meaning Rocket couldn't have been responsible. Even ignoring how similar their personalities appeared to be, Rocket seemed to be a kid. They weren't even born in 2001, probably!

But it still struck her as weird, because of the many insane events that had occurred at Duckburg Middle School, there had been only person who had decided it was a good idea to toilet bomb the place. Only one person recorded in Duckburg thought to put soap bombs inside the school restrooms. One person, in 2001, not 2021.

One person had done the deed.

And that person was Della Duck, the triplets' mother.

Family is Family, No Matter the Age - Chapter 4 - DrChief (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.